Wisdom teeth cause more problems on average than any other teeth in adults. They alone can cause damage to every other tooth in your mouth. That’s why, if you need a wisdom tooth extraction, it’s important to remove it promptly to prevent damage to the rest of your teeth. They can lead to tooth infection, gum disease, and crowding, making all of your teeth shift and messing up your bite and your smile.

If you need your wisdom tooth removed, call us NOW at 785-273-2922. Our highly experienced dentist, Dr. Weber, and his team can quickly relieve your pain and protect your smile.

Schedule your wisdom teeth removal appointment NOW. Take the first step toward stopping pain, safeguarding your bite, and improving your health.

Dr. Weber and his team are experienced dentists. They care about their patients. They have been serving Topeka, Kansas, and nearby areas. They are all passionate about improving your and your family’s overall health.

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth that grow in, usually between the late teens and 20s. These teeth have another name, which is your third molars. They get their name “wisdom” because they come in when a person is older and hopefully wiser.

Your wisdom teeth grow in the back of your mouth and are the last teeth to come through the gums. They are there to help protect and support the jaw bone.

Wisdom Teeth Most Common Issues

Wisdom teeth can cause pain and discomfort if they don’t grow straight and correctly. If your back teeth are stuck or growing in the wrong place, they can harm your nearby healthy teeth all the way to your front teeth. A dentist might suggest taking out your wisdom teeth to stop future pain and safeguard your bite and smile from harm.

People often undergo this procedure to avoid discomfort and safeguard and maintain the health and appearance of their teeth. It is important to listen to your dentist’s advice and consider the benefits of removing your wisdom teeth. By taking this preventive measure, you can ensure the long-term well-being and aesthetics of your oral health.

Wisdom Teeth Reasons For Removal

Your dentist might suggest removing your wisdom teeth because of several issues. Here are a few:

  1. Overcrowding: Your wisdom teeth will move other teeth to make space. Overcrowding is the term used for this. Overcrowding can lead to issues like crooked teeth and significant bite problems.
  2. Impaction: Sometimes, your wisdom teeth do not come in perfectly straight. They might become stuck in your jawbone or grow at the wrong angle. Impacted wisdom teeth break through your gums, push other teeth, and cause significant pain in your mouth. An impacted wisdom tooth can hurt a lot and can cause damage to your other teeth in the vicinity.
  3. Infections or Cavities: When wisdom teeth do not grow correctly, they can be hard to clean. Bacteria can get into those hard-to-clean places and easily grow, leading to infections, cavities, or tooth decay.
  4. Gum Disease: The problems with cleaning impacted wisdom teeth can also lead to gum disease. Gum disease is a severe condition that can lead to pain and swollen gums and can even be life-threatening.

If you have pain and want to prevent future health issues, it is usually, but not always, best to remove your wisdom teeth.

Book your wisdom teeth appointment now to start improving and safeguarding your and your family’s health.

Wisdom Teeth Signs They May Require Removal

Sometimes, your body will signal that your wisdom teeth might be causing problems, and you may need to remove them. Here are some of the signs to look out for:

  1. Pain and Discomfort: One of the first signs that you will probably feel, of course, is wisdom tooth pain. It can be a constant pain that comes and goes, especially when you are eating or opening your mouth.
  2. Mouth Swelling: Swelling in your mouth can indicate that your wisdom teeth are growing incorrectly and require removal. Immediately call us to avoid future complications.
  3. Trouble Opening Your Mouth: Wisdom teeth problems may cause painful difficulty opening your mouth. This pain can worsen and spread to all of your teeth, resulting in extensive pain in your mouth and jaw.
  4. Bad Breath: Bad breath can indicate that you have an infection from wisdom teeth not growing correctly. Dry sockets and wisdom teeth are a major cause of bad breath and taste.

If you are experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, please call us NOW at 785-273-2922. Our dentists will examine your wisdom teeth and may suggest removing them to ease pain and prevent future issues.

The Process Of Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Before your wisdom tooth extraction, we will give you an initial consultation with our expert dentist or maxillofacial surgeon. We will give you an oral examination and take detailed X-rays of your teeth.

The X-rays will help us to see how your wisdom teeth are growing and if there’s any risk to your adjacent teeth or bone. This step is crucial as it helps us to plan the best way to remove your wisdom teeth.

Overview Of The Extraction Procedure

The extraction process of wisdom teeth is a common dental procedure. Our dentist, Dr. Weber, will numb your wisdom teeth area to remove them without pain.

We have the best state-of-the-art technology that helps us remove your teeth in the most painless way possible. Our skilled dentists may recommend bone grafting for some complex cases.

Removing a Wisdom Tooth or bone graft is fast, typically less than an hour per tooth, but time may vary depending on your situation. Our dentist will assess your specific needs. This plan aims to alleviate your discomfort and restore your comfort.

Anesthesia Options

The dentist can administer local anesthesia during your wisdom teeth extraction to make you feel no pain. Local anesthesia will numb the area with a Novocain in your gums.

Another choice for anesthesia is oral sedation anesthesia. It can take away any anxiety you might have and keep you more comfortable and at ease.

Finally, there’s general anesthesia, where you will be completely asleep during your procedure. Our oral surgeon will suggest the best option based on your comfort level and the complexity of your extraction.

Our passion is to keep you calm, relaxed, and confident in your decision to take care of this now for your overall health.

Schedule your wisdom teeth removal appointment NOW. Take the first step toward stopping pain, safeguarding your bite, and improving your health.

Aftercare And Recovery

After removing your wisdom teeth, it is important to understand the necessary steps for aftercare and recovery. We recommend regularly limiting suction, brushing, and flossing to maintain oral health.

What To Expect After The Treatment

You might feel a little discomfort and have a little bleeding for the first 24 hours after the treatment. However, you will experience temporary bleeding and a little discomfort, but they will disappear in a very short time.

Our dentist will give you a set of aftercare instructions to follow. Such as advice on eating, avoiding foods, being active, taking medicine, staying clean, and scheduling check-ups if needed.

Tips For Post-Surgery Care

This oral surgery procedure is relatively painless and stress-free. Here are a few tips that will help with your recovery:

  • Rest and Take it Easy: Avoid doing hard activities for a few days.
  • Ice Packs: Use ice packs on your face to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Eat soft foods to avoid getting food stuck in your healing area. Avoid hard foods like raw carrots, bread, and cereals that break into smaller, sharp pieces. It would be best to go for soft food items such as soup.
  • Straws: Avoid smoking or using straws that create suction for a few days after treatment to avoid getting dry sockets.
  • Keep Your Mouth Clean: Brush your teeth gently, avoiding the areas near your extracted wisdom teeth.

This oral and maxillofacial surgery can relieve pain and help maintain your overall health. For quick and efficient care, call our experts at 785-273-2922, and we will tend to all of your dental restoration needs.

Typical Recovery Timeline

The time it takes to recover varies for each person. Usually, you’ll start feeling better soon. Swelling and discomfort should also go away within a very short time. If you are worried or symptoms worsen after a few days, please get in touch with your dentist promptly.

Why Choose Topeka ProDental For Your Wisdom Teeth Removal?

You and your family’s health is our top priority at Topeka ProDental. Dr. Weber leads our skilled team, which is all very dedicated to providing top-quality dental care. We understand wisdom teeth removal can be daunting. We are passionate about providing personalized, supportive, and comforting dental care.

Our advanced technology helps our dental team safely remove wisdom teeth, reducing risks and promoting quick recovery.

At Topeka ProDental, you receive excellent care and comprehensive post-procedure support, assisting you in fast, pain-free recovery.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Schedule Your Appointment NOW!

Take the first step toward your and your family’s health! We can safely and comfortably remove your wisdom teeth with minimal pain or anxiety. If you’re facing a dental emergency, call our dentist at (785) 273-2922.

Don’t let your wisdom tooth pain and discomfort weigh you down! Call us at 785-273-2922 today or visit us at 2930 SW Wanamaker Drive, Suite 7, Topeka, Kansas. We will get you feeling great again and back to optimum health.